TOP 10 Reasons to Outsource React.js Development in 2024

Top 10 reason to outsource react development
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Blog / TOP 10 Reasons to Outsource React.js Development in 2024

React.js has emerged as a powerful and versatile tool for building dynamic and interactive web applications more than a decade ago. However, it is still one of the most efficient and popular JavaScript frameworks. Big companies and startups use it to ensure faster and more efficient development, as well as promote scalability, and take advantage of high code reusability. However, harnessing the full potential of React.js requires not only technical expertise but also a strategic approach to development. That’s why a lot of companies choose to outsource React development and capitalize on the numerous advantages an external team of skilled developers can bring.

The decision to outsource React.js development is an efficient way to make the most out of its features. From cost savings and access to specialized talent to accelerated project timelines and a laser-focused emphasis on core business activities, the advantages of ReactJS development services are both varied and substantial. Whether you’re a startup aiming to launch a cutting-edge product or a well-established enterprise looking to revamp your online presence, good custom React.js development services can pave the way for the overall project’s success, and understanding the advantages of development outsourcing can be the first step in this way.

Diving into React.js: A quick overview

Developed and maintained by Facebook, React.js, often simply referred to as React or ReactJS, is an open-source library renowned for its component-based architecture and virtual DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation. The concept of reusable components is at the very heart of React’s philosophy. Modular building blocks encapsulate specific UI elements and their functionality, allowing developers to create complex interfaces by combining these components like building blocks.

React is a dynamic technology that serves as a linchpin in creating modern websites and mobile applications. Its component-based approach not only accelerates development but also enables teams to pivot quickly in response to changing market demands. This adaptability is crucial in the fast-paced digital landscape, where staying ahead of the curve is paramount. Additionally, React’s utilization of a virtual DOM ensures efficient performance, translating into snappy and user-friendly applications. This performance boost often translates directly into user engagement and satisfaction, key metrics for any project’s success. 

Furthermore, React’s popularity and robust ecosystem of additional tools and utilities make it a low-risk choice. Being backed by Facebook and maintained by a vast community of developers, React advantages involve a long list of features from continuous improvement and support. Its versatility in integration with other technologies and libraries provides ample opportunities for scalability, making it an attractive option for projects of varying sizes and complexities. Additionally, React’s ability to harmonize technical innovation with user-centric design aligns well with the overarching goals of digital ventures, enhancing their prospects in the competitive marketplace.

What is React.js?

Although React is often referred to as a JavaScript framework, in fact, it is wider than just a framework. Unlike traditional frameworks that encompass a broader set of tools and conventions to guide the entire application’s structure and flow, React focuses primarily on the view layer of an application. This means that while React provides the tools necessary for building user interfaces and managing component states, developers have the flexibility to choose other libraries or tools to handle tasks like routing, state management, and form validation. This modular approach allows developers to tailor their tech stack to the specific needs of their projects and integrate React seamlessly into existing applications.


Yes, React is still (for more than five years in a row) one of the most popular tools for front-end development. Many huge companies, such as Facebook, Netflix, and Uber, actually use it. According to the latest StackOverflow development survey, React is used by more than 40% of actual professional developers and almost 70% of developers creating user interfaces. It is rapidly scaling and developing, with concise and easy-to-understand code. React is also highly performant, making it a good choice for building high-traffic websites and applications. Considering these facts, we can easily conclude that React is not just a popular solution but rather a hegemon of the JavaScript framework market.

10 Reasons to outsource React.js development

React development outsourcing has emerged as a strategic choice for companies seeking to amplify their digital prowess and achieve business objectives with precision. Hiring a development firm for your project can be a great way to save time and money, as well as get access to the best talent. And these are just some of the reasons why you should consider ReactJS development outsourcing.

1. Cost-efficiency

In fact, cost reduction is the very first reason to outsource React development for most businesses. Building and sustaining an in-house team is expensive. In the long run, the costs of hiring talent, onboarding employers, investing in talent management software, and paying office rent, as well as electricity bills, are considerably higher than that of working with an outsourcing React.js development company on a project basis. Companies can select from various engagement models, such as fixed-price or time-and-materials agreements, tailored to their project scope and budget. This flexibility translates into immediate cost savings and the ability to strategically allocate resources, whether for R&D, marketing, or other critical business functions.

Outsourcing React development abroad is another efficient way to reduce development costs. Businesses can capitalize on the wage differentials between countries, often finding skilled software development offshore, where high-quality services can be found at a lower cost compared to their onshore counterparts. This approach enables companies to achieve significant cost reduction without compromising on the quality of work delivered. By taking advantage of favorable exchange rates and lower living costs in certain regions, outsourcing abroad allows businesses to stretch their budgets further while still accessing top-tier React.js development expertise.

2. Possibility to focus on core business activities

Standing out among competitors takes a lot of focus and concentration — these days, business managers need to be trend-watching and looking for new opportunities 24/7. As a result, there’s no reasonable way for a company owner to be distracted by paying too much attention to management and heavily investing in an in-house development team. This shift enhances overall efficiency and fosters a more streamlined organizational structure that is better aligned with achieving overarching business goals.

Outsourcing helps business owners ensure they don’t get side-tracked and always prioritize their product’s core operations and services over other activities. You can use this development approach to streamline business operations and ensure that personnel with the most relevant skill sets are deployed in roles that directly contribute to the company’s growth trajectory.

3. Access to an advanced know-how

As a business owner, you are not supposed to be the most skilled tech professional in your company and on the market. Partnering with a trusted external development firm means tapping into a pool of professionals who possess specialized skills and extensive experience in the software development industry. It also means that the developer hiring process is based on the knowledge of the latest industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies, ensuring that the developed applications are not only functional but also at the forefront of innovation.

4. No extra effort to maintain a team

Outsourcing solutions eliminate the need for businesses to invest extra effort in maintaining an in-house team. You need to get in touch with employees on a daily basis, answer pressing questions, and handle corporate crises. Naturally, such turmoil can lead to burnout and reduce the manager’s overall efficiency. Outsourcing shifts these responsibilities to external development partners, allowing the business to concentrate on its core functions.

A streamlined approach to team management also sidesteps the challenges associated with turnover and retention. An in-house team might experience personnel changes due to resignations, leaves, or shifts in project priorities. Outsourcing minimizes these disruptions, as the external partner is responsible for maintaining a consistent team with the right skills for the project. Successful project completion is the only thing you will have to see through, letting project managers handle paperwork, team building, and communication on their own. 

5. More scaling flexibility

As projects evolve and demand fluctuates, an outsourced team can quickly adjust its resources to match changing requirements. This dynamic scalability ensures that businesses can scale up or down without the time-consuming process of hiring or downsizing an internal team.

Outsourcing allows for rapid resource allocation when facing sudden project expansions, such as launching new features or handling increased user traffic. The remote team can swiftly onboard new members or adjust their workload, ensuring the project development remains uninterrupted. Conversely, businesses can easily scale back resources during quieter periods or after project completion, avoiding the expense of maintaining full-time developers.

6. Less paperwork

Outsourcing React.js development allows business managers to take formalities off their plates. A business manager will not have to manage employee contracts and salaries, file financial statements, or file tax returns. The contractor will handle all the paperwork. In other words, a service agreement with an outsourcer will be the only document to turn in. Moreover, the administrative burden associated with payroll, employee benefits, and HR-related paperwork is typically lifted when working with an external development partner.

7. Risk mitigation

A decision to outsource React.js development is a good strategy for risk mitigation. Developing applications in-house can expose companies to a wide range of risks, such as technology shifts, skill shortages, and other unforeseen challenges that might arise during development. Outsourcing disperses these risks by leveraging the expertise of professionals with a proven track record in React.js development projects.

External development partners often have experience dealing with a broad range of project complexities, which equips them to anticipate and mitigate potential risks effectively. Additionally, established outsourcing providers tend to have contingency plans in place in order to address unexpected events that could impact project timelines and outcomes. This risk diversification not only safeguards projects from technical hiccups but also reduces the likelihood of delays, budget overruns, and missed deadlines.

8. Faster to-the-market delivery

Outsourcing helps business owners speed up the development process since more talent can handle urgent tasks — there’s no need for extra hiring and onboarding. Instead of relying on in-house resources only, you can specifically look for a contractor capable of completing the project within the specified time frame.

External teams are well-versed in the nuances of React, allowing them to grasp project requirements and efficiently implement them quickly. This agility is further amplified by their familiarity with handling projects that are similar to yours, coding standards, project management, and overall development strategy. Consequently, projects are executed precisely, making the development process faster and accelerating the time it takes to transform ideas into fully functioning applications.

9. Bringing a fresh perspective on board

Collaborating with a React outsourcing company can offer your team members new insights and familiarize in-house software engineers with new practices and approaches. If your development partner is located abroad, the team will likely use different techniques and have another train of thought, which can be useful information for your in-house team.

Getting feedback from a global audience is a valuable opportunity for business managers — it comes in handy during concept validation, user acceptance testing, and other aspects of the software development project. Chances are, an outsourcing team will offer solutions to existing problems you haven’t thought of before.

10. Wider talent pool

Outsourcing opens the door to a wide talent pool, which can significantly enrich the quality of the project. While sourcing local talent is limited by geographical constraints or businesses just cannot find the required expertise nearby, outsourcing may help them tap into a global network of skilled React.js developers with varied backgrounds and expertise ready for the app development process of any complexity.


Drawbacks of outsourcing React.js development

Like in the case of any balanced decision, it’s essential to examine not only the benefits but also the potential drawbacks. In this context, we’ll also delve into five significant drawbacks that businesses should consider when opting to outsource React development.

Communication challenges

Collaborating with third-party development services providers often introduces communication hurdles, especially when working across different time zones. Delays in responses, misunderstandings due to language barriers, and the need for synchronous communication can hinder seamless collaboration. Overcoming these challenges requires establishing clear communication channels, regular updates, and using collaboration tools that facilitate project management and effective interaction.

Quality control

Maintaining consistent quality across an outsourced project can be demanding. Varied coding standards, design choices, and approaches to problem-solving might result in disparities in the final product’s quality. Businesses should establish stringent quality control measures, conduct code reviews, and define clear project requirements to ensure the desired level of quality is upheld.

Security concerns

Entrusting an external entity with sensitive project details, proprietary code, and confidential data poses inherent security risks. Protecting intellectual property and data privacy becomes paramount. Businesses should draft comprehensive non-disclosure agreements, implement robust data security protocols, and choose outsourcing partners with proven security track records.

Loss of in-house knowledge

Hiring outsourcing agencies might lead to a potential loss of internal knowledge and skill development. When critical development tasks are outsourced, internal teams might not gain the same level of expertise they would with in-house development. Businesses should ensure that internal team members remain involved in key aspects of the project, facilitating knowledge transfer and skill enhancement in order to counteract this.

Dependency on external expertise

While outsourcing offers immediate access to expertise, it can also lead to long-term dependency on the external team. If the outsourcing partnership ends or the external team becomes unavailable, the project’s continuity might be jeopardized. Businesses should maintain internal expertise and consider cross-training team members to ensure a smoother transition if needed.

Top tools to outsource React development

Leveraging the right set of tools can significantly enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and, consequently, ensure project success during any type of outsourcing. 


A real-time messaging platform like Slack enables seamless communication between two parties (in-house staff and external software developers). It offers channels for different topics, direct messaging, and integrations with other tools, promoting efficient and organized collaboration.

Trello or Asana

These project management tools provide a decent visual way to plan, track, and manage tasks. They allow you to create boards, list tasks, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and monitor progress, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding project milestones.

GitHub or GitLab

Version control platforms like GitHub or GitLab are essential for code management, collaboration, and tracking changes. They allow developers to work on different branches, merge code, and resolve issues collaboratively, ensuring a smooth development process and providing valuable insights into software quality metrics.

Zoom, Google Meets, or Microsoft Teams

Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams facilitate virtual meetings, code reviews, and discussions. They enable face-to-face interactions, fostering a sense of camaraderie and enhancing communication among remote teams.


Jira is a powerful tool for issue tracking and project management. It allows you to create user stories, track progress, prioritize tasks, and manage sprints, ensuring a high level of focus and organization during web app development.

Using a combination of these or analogical tools tailored to your team’s preferences and project requirements can enhance the outsourcing experience, promoting effective communication, efficient project management, and successful development.


Comparing outsourcing vs. hiring in-house full-time React developers

When it comes to comparing React development with hiring in-house full-time developers, several considerations come into play.

First of all, businesses should consider cost efficiency. Outsourcing is often perceived as the more cost-efficient option. It eliminates the overhead costs associated with in-house employees, including salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment. In contrast, hiring in-house developers involves higher expenses, making it a pricier choice. Additionally, outsourcing provides rapid scalability in terms of human resources. Conversely, scaling an in-house team can be slow and cumbersome, often necessitating extensive recruitment, onboarding, and training efforts.

At the same time, managing remote teams in an outsourcing scenario can be challenging. It may result in communication gaps and require strong project management skills to bridge geographical distances. In-house development offers direct oversight and real-time control over the entire development process, facilitating immediate responses to changing project needs. Additionally, outsourcing may raise concerns about sharing sensitive project details and proprietary code with external partners, potentially compromising security and confidentiality. An in-house development allows for tighter control over data security and intellectual property protection.

Another factor to discuss is long-term commitment. Outsourced teams may have shorter-term responsibilities, potentially introducing project continuity challenges. In contrast, in-house developers often (not always) demonstrate a more substantial commitment to the company’s long-term success and can contribute to ongoing projects.

In sum, every business choosing between two options, to hire in-hoise developers and to outsource React.js development, faces a complex trade-off between cost efficiency, specialized expertise, scalability, control, security, and long-term commitment. The decision should be meticulously evaluated based on the project’s unique requirements, budget constraints, and overarching business objectives.

Tips for hiring outsourced React.js developers

When venturing into outsourcing React.js developers, making informed decisions is essential to ensure a successful collaboration. Here are some tips that can make this process easier:

  • Define clear project goals: Each collaboration requires outlining the project’s objectives, requirements, and scope in detail to convey a clear vision to potential outsourced developers.
  • Assess technical expertise: Evaluate the technical proficiency of developers by reviewing their portfolios, examining their previous ReactJS projects, and assessing their knowledge of relevant tools and libraries.
  • Check references: Check client testimonials or contact past clients or employers of the developers directly in order to gain insights into their work ethics, communication skills, and the quality of their deliverables.
  • Cultural compatibility: Consider cultural factors, time zones, and work hours to ensure alignment with your project’s workflow and minimize communication challenges.
  • Coding standards: Discuss coding standards and practices to ensure the developers’ coding style aligns with your requirements and long-term maintainability plans.
  • Project management: Clarify roles, responsibilities, and project management tools to facilitate effective collaboration and project tracking.
  • Flexibility: Seek adaptable developers willing to accommodate project changes or iterations as they arise.

Why choose ELITEX as your outsourcing React.js partner?

If you are looking for a reliable software development partner with qualified software engineers, reach out to ELITEX. We are an experienced team of React developers that help businesses in fintech, property management, education, as well as other domains. 

Our experienced developers can help you build functional and scalable ReactJS-based products, whether a cross-platform mobile app or a complex web application. Take a look at our portfolio to see the full range of projects our professionals have tackled. Leave us a message to contact our managers today!


React.js development is popular among small-scale and large-scale business owners since it enables the building of reusable, scalable, and easy-to-manage applications from scratch. The decision to outsource React.js development can be a significant step toward increasing cost-efficiency, development speed, and overall project success. Moreover, outsourcing mitigates risks and streamlines administrative processes, allowing businesses to focus on core activities. Considering this factor, outsourcing is an attractive choice for organizations seeking to thrive in the dynamic world of web development.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential drawbacks, such as communication challenges and the need for effective quality control and security measures. Successful outsourcing hinges on careful partner selection, clear communication, and proactive management. Ultimately, the decision to outsource React.js development should align with a company’s specific goals, resources, and project requirements. When executed strategically, outsourcing can be a powerful tool to drive innovation, optimize costs, and achieve success.



What are the main advantages of outsourcing React.js development?

React development outsourcing offers cost-effective solutions, access to specialized expertise, scalability, faster time-to-market, and the ability to focus on core business activities.

Why should I consider outsourcing React development?

Outsourcing solutions provide access to a global talent pool of experts, cost savings, rapid scalability, and flexibility, allowing you to meet project goals efficiently.

Is it a good idea to outsource React development for startups?

Yes, outsourcing can be particularly beneficial for startups as it offers cost-effective solutions, expertise access, and scalability without the overhead costs of hiring in-house teams.

What can React Native outsourcing help my business with?

Outsourcing development using the React Native framework can assist you in building cross-platform mobile applications, reducing development time and ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices.

What is the typical timeline for outsourcing React projects?

Project timelines can vary, but they are often shorter when outsourcing due to the availability of specialized talent and streamlined development processes.

Are there any specific industries that benefit the most from outsourcing React development?

Various industries can benefit from outsourcing React, but sectors like e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and technology often find outsourcing React development particularly advantageous for their projects.

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