Vue.js vs React: JavaScript Framework Overview

Vue.js vs React: JavaScript Framework Overview

Blog / Vue.js vs React: JavaScript Framework Overview

Choosing the proper JavaScript framework or library for application development is an essential task for businesses. However, the selection largely depends on various factors, such as the timeline of the project, the capability of the framework, and the experience of the JavaScript development team

Nowadays, every business is looking to build a high-quality application within a short period. To put this into practice, custom software development companies choose from a multitude of JavaScript libraries and frameworks while programmers debate the best. 

Today we will closely focus on two of them, React and Vue.js, as well as the web solutions that can be built using these frameworks. Both of them are considered the fastest-evolving tools for front-end development nowadays, and that’s why both of them have a mature community, broad support, and popularity. So, let’s try to check which technology is the best solution for your web development project.

Vue.js vs React – a quick overview

Both frameworks are used for building user interfaces, but they have some key differences in terms of design, syntax, learning curve, ecosystem, adoption, industry usage, size, performance, speed of building applications, testability, security, usability, and, basically, the way these frameworks are built. Let’s examine these areas and see the similarities, differences, and practical implications that come with using React or Vue in different scenarios.

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What is React.js?

React.js, commonly referred to as React or ReactJS, is an open-source JavaScript library for developing highly performant web applications with rich user interfaces. React offers JavaScript coders the flexibility to create custom reusable components that enable a fast app development process. Moreover, the ability to render a web page quickly optimizes it for search engine requirements. To summarize, React.js is a great JS framework that promotes the creation of lightweight web applications with complex features. We have a comprehensive guide on the advantages of React.js, where we explain a framework in detail.

React overview

What is Vue.js?

Vue is a lightweight JavaScript-based framework that provides efficient tools for developing front-end apps and top-notch single-page applications. Vue is also considered a flexible and progressive JS framework because it allows changes to an application’s code without affecting any core function. This approach provides the ability to create advanced user interfaces efficiently. Vue’s high decoupling level allows developers to easily expand the functionality of web applications with visual components and custom modules.

Vue.js also adopts a component-based architecture, where UIs are divided into self-contained and reusable components. Vue components encapsulate the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript logic required for a specific UI element. This modular structure promotes code reusability, maintainability, and separation of concerns.

Vue.js overview

Use cases of Vue.js and React

While Vue.js and React have their unique strengths and characteristics, there are some common use cases where both frameworks can be applied effectively. Here are a few scenarios where both can be utilized:

  • Dynamic user interfaces (UIs);
  • Progressive web applications (PWAs);
  • Single-page applications (SPAs);
  • Solutions for small projects;
  • Large-scale enterprise applications;
  • Progressive enhancement and integration into existing projects;

Popular websites built with Vue.js:

  • Behance;
  • Gitlab;
  • Trivago;
  • Statista.

Popular websites that use React:

  • Facebook;
  • Instagram;
  • Netflix;
  • Twitter.

Similarities and differences between React.js and Vue.js

These web development tools are notably similar in their approach to building user interfaces and leveraging the concept of reusable components. Here is a brief look at the basic similarities between Vue and React:

  • Virtual DOM;
  • Component-based structure;
  • Reactivity
  • TypeScript support;
  • Seamless version migration;
  • Backward compatibility;
  • A wide range of libraries and tools;
  • Performance, flexibility, and speed.

While React.js and Vue.js share many similarities, some differences impact what each framework is best tailored for. The main functional difference is in the methods that Vue and React use to render content on DOM and syntax in general. Vue uses HTML templates and JSX. React only uses JSX, an extension allowing developers to insert HTML directly into JavaScript code. In case of modifications to the state, Vue.js re-renders only particular HTML tags which were changed, while React.js re-renders the entire parent tree once even the form of one child was updated. JSX can simplify and speed up complex tasks. However, it also has the disadvantage of complicating what should be simple.

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Also, there is a big difference in the structure of these JavaScript-based web solutions. Vue totally meets the definition of the framework, while React is a more complex tool consisting of numerous additional libraries and solutions that can be defined as frameworks themselves.

Ultimately, React and Vue do not match their functionalities regarding pre-built tools and third-party tools. React boasts a robust architecture and efficient DOM manipulation, providing effective component state management capabilities. All other features are developed and supported by the React developers community. In fact, a wide range of libraries, tools, and community support makes React ecosystem the biggest among all JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

Vue, in turn, has a wide range of community-developed solutions; however, the core team also develops and supports widely used tools and libraries such as Vue-router, Vuex, and Vue CLI. This combination of pre-built by the core team and third-party resources helps meet the needs of novice and experienced JavaScript developers alike. Therefore, Vue provides a more balanced mix of third-party and pre-built tools that meet the needs of both JavaScript experts and junior developers.

Most searched frameworks

When it comes to the actual popularity of frameworks, we need to consider two indicators. First of all, let’s try to check which of the frameworks is searched more frequently.

Vue.js vs React Google searches statistics

As we can see, Vue had the bigger attention in the past; however, trends seem to change nowadays. React has been searched more on Google for the last two years (in case we change terms from Vue and React to Vue.js and React.js or VueJS and ReactJS, the result will remain almost identical). Nevertheless, Google isn’t the ultimate truth, still. Vue.js has a vast community in China, where Google cannot be a representative source of information. 

Most used frameworks

However, Google can barely help us when it comes to information about the actual usage of technology as a development tool. The Stack Overflow Developer Survey shows valuable insights into popular app development technologies. In this case, we will check the results of the survey among the professional developers. The latest results show that React tops the list, while Vue remains behind.

Vue.js vs React StackOverFlow popularitz

Another factor allowing us to speak about the frequency of a particular technology is the number of questions asked on specialized platforms. On StackOverflow, for instance, there are more than 459,000 questions with the #reactjs hashtag. Vue.js, in turn, keeps its popularity on a more modest level, as there are over 104,000 questions on StackOverflow under #vue.js. To be more objective on the subject, the surveys of GitHub show similar numbers.

As we previously said, the React developers’ community is more significant than that of Vue.js. The same can be said about the React development company services lists, involving a broader scope of applications. However, the main problem is the fragmented nature of React, which makes it more complicated to get feedback on the most frequent questions.

On the other hand, Vue is a progressive framework that lets you build apps easily and rapidly. Vue.js is also much easier to learn for novices. However, finding Vue developers and getting application maintenance is more complicated, at least on Western websites.

Vue.js vs React – advantages and disadvantages

It’s important to note that the advantages and disadvantages mentioned in this paragraph are based on general observations and may vary depending on specific project requirements, team expertise/experience, and personal preferences. Both Vue and React are capable frameworks that can deliver impressive results, so the choice between them cannot be made based only on a detailed comparison of the dry facts.

Advantages of ReactJS

Advantages of React when compared to Vue.js

React applications significantly improve website efficiency by updating the UI dynamically without requiring page reloads, resulting in time savings. Moreover, React enhances the overall user experience by organizing the code structure for future optimization and improving code readability. This optimization eliminates dead (unnecessary) code, leading to a smoother user experience and faster page loading times.

Component reusability makes application development faster and easier and facilitates the nesting of components to build complex functionalities for scalable and maintainable applications. It happens due to separate logic and controls, simplifying the process of creating reusable components.

Another notable benefit of React is its high performance, as data no longer needs to be updated in the real structure but can be updated through a virtual structure. This method enables the building of high-performative React applications that avoid extra load-loading web pages, quicker response times, and an optimal client-side experience. Also, server-side rendering or SSR can improve overall performance and search engine optimization.

React Native is another important factor that greatly expands the potential scope of the React-based application. React Native allows for efficient cross-platform mobile development using a single JavaScript framework. 

React.js has a strong developers community across the globe, making it easier to find libraries, tools, and resources. It also has strong backing from Facebook, which contributes to its ongoing development and maintenance.

Disadvantages of Reactjs

Disadvantages of React when compared to Vue.js

Continuous Updates. React is often associated with the latest updates for all the versions and contributions around the world. Therefore, the JavaScript library is less conventional and evolving in coding practices.

Increased code complexity. JSX is an extension of the syntax leveraged by ReactJS that combines JavaScript code and HTML. It’s a somewhat old-fashioned, complicated pattern for developers. It also makes React’s learning curve steeper, particularly for developers who are new to the concept of a virtual DOM or JSX syntax.

It focuses only on the view. When developing an application with React, the app development focuses only on the view layer and not on the Model, view, and controller architecture. Therefore, JS engineers need to use an additional platform for the other parts of the web app. It means implementing further integration of tools like routing or APIs.

Boilerplate code. React often requires writing more code compared to other JS frameworks, including Vue.js. It results in a potential increase in boilerplate code for some scenarios.

State management. React doesn’t provide built-in state management, requiring developers to rely heavily on external libraries, such as Redux or the React Context API, for complex state management scenarios.

Advantages of Vue.js

Advantages of Vue.js when compared to React

Migrating or integrating Vue is easily accomplished by gradually introducing the framework into the code while component development is ongoing without losing development time. Compared to React, it is also relatively easy to learn. Additionally, versatile templates built with HTML-like syntax may be intuitive for designers and developers familiar with HTML.

Vue doesn’t require writing code in a more difficult way by using built-in solutions to create state support for managing animations and components. With Vue.js, the conventional approach makes the entire app creation process faster. Additionally, Tools such as NuxtJS, Vuex, Bit, and Vue-router avoid writing code from scratch as effective state management reveals and eliminates unnecessary code.

With each new version of Vue.js, this framework becomes even leaner and faster. It enables us to achieve an effective size and performance of the project. Thanks to Vue’s optimization features, developers can focus more on adding features rather than debugging or optimizing code.

Vue provides a set of additive, function-based API functions that enable an application’s flexible and rich composition of component logic. This functional extension makes application components more readable and allows them to be functionally extended as needed.

Vue is known for its stable production environment, which might make this framework future-proof. There is no need to update the web app or check for bug fixes or enhancements regularly. The framework facilitates the update process by default.

Disadvantages of Vue

Disadvantages of Vue.js when compared to React

Vue has a community that lacks a voice. Since Vue is generally prevalent in China and Asia, most specific solutions with Vue are discussed in Mandarin (Chinese). It makes it difficult for English-speaking programmers to learn and share these resources for app development.

Flexibility and customization are always useful, but Vue offers too much flexibility. Vue.js is often seen as a JS framework where too many options overcomplicate the app development and may cause code irregularities and bugs.

The responsiveness of the code is not perfect. Vue’s bidirectional binding is handy for creating and synchronizing components in an application. It also leads to the rendering of data blocks or parts of functions triggered by the DOM.

Vue is still considered a young framework, which leads to less support. Since the community is relatively small, less experienced developers cannot solve the problems that arise when used for large projects.

Limitation of resources compared to React. Although Vue’s ecosystem is extensive and provides essential tools like Vue Router and Vue CLI, it still does not provide solutions and plugins compatible with most external tools and other frameworks.

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Vue.js vs React.js: framework performance comparison

What is React’s performance?

React app performance can vary depending on various factors; however, React offers several features and practices that can contribute to good performance. Generally, it’s considered a faster, lightweight tool with outstanding performance in the user experience, where individual components work in a fine-grained functional way. React’s component-based architecture helps develop more efficient single-page apps. Code reusability avoids code clutter, and reduced DOM manipulation improves page loading speed. All this contributes to seamless app performance and a pleasant user experience.

In addition, the React library updates the required changes without reloading the entire page. It avoids unnecessary page loading using optimization techniques such as shouldComponentUpdate or PureComponent to prevent unnecessary re-renders. You can use the minimal approach to creating React apps by following some programming practices. It also helps the developers reduce the number of possible mistakes and increase the productivity of the team.

What is Vue’s performance?

With each new feature added to a Vue-built app or with each extension of a component, the state of the Vue app becomes more unstable, making it harder for the app to load faster. On the other hand, this framework has a virtual DOM, which serves as a standard tool for optimizing an app’s performance. Lazy loading is one of the notable features of Vue.js as well as code splitting. These techniques help in improving the loading time of a page by loading certain components or resources only when needed. 

Vue.js automatically handles the asynchronous management of third-party libraries, intelligently separating them into critical dependencies that are included in the main app bundle and non-critical dependencies that are kept in routes outside the core bundle. Basically, it means that initial load times can be improved by prioritizing the loading of essential components first.

React vs Vue: app architecture

React.js doesn’t offer a built-in architecture pattern that you might get with some other frameworks. It takes care of the view layer of the application, which consists of components. In ReactJS, they work as functions that render the underlying UI when the data is modified. The internal architecture of React consists of continuous interaction between the user’s actions and the state of the app components. 

The front-end React component state is ideal when you want to build web apps with reduced scope and functionality. However, React relies on external libraries like Redux, Flux, MobX, Reflux, and others to implement an architectural pattern for building complex applications. In React, a centralized store typically manages the application state, and data flows down from the parent component to child components through props. The child component, in turn, can communicate with the parent component through callbacks. React encourages the concept of “smart” container components that focus on rendering UI based on props. This separation of concerns is useful for better code organization and reusability.

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What kind of architecture is supported by Vue?

Vue applications are typically structured using Single File Components (SFCs) that encapsulate the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript logic components in a single file. Another aspect to consider is that Vue focuses on the ViewModel approach and adopts the MVVM pattern, especially when developing a large-scale application (which is even the most accessible with libraries for managing centralized states, such as Vuex). The View and Model parts are plugged into a two-way binding approach.

Model: similar functions to JavaScript’s Model object. Once the JavaScript object enters the Model part, its instance is converted into reactive elements to create the corresponding memory layers.

View: the management of the DOM instances in the app is ensured in the View part of Vue. It uses DOM-based templating to smoothly create root elements and match them with the needed DOM components.

ViewModel: takes care of the necessary synchronization between the Model and the View part of the code. This object is the central part where the developer interacts with the code.

Vue leverages its reactivity system to handle the application state in a more intuitive manner. The Vue instance acts as a central hub that manages the data, computed properties, and methods for a component. Vue supports a declarative template syntax that allows developers to bind data and UI elements directly. 

Vue’s architecture and DOM structures are divided into two parts: the directives and the filters. Since Vue.js follows a view layer pattern, web app development is flexible and easy to handle. 

React vs. Vue in testing

ReactJS provides key test runners making the app development process easy to track. Thus, test runners like Jest, Mocha, React Testing Library, and others help to practice a standard pattern of running test suites that allow testers to identify issues, unnecessary features, and expensive feature manipulations in real browser environments. It shortens the time to market, accelerates app deployment, and creates a more productive environment.

Vue is still a new web solution, and its testing features are simple but efficient. It neither offers complex testing tools nor undermines the testing capacity of its code. Vue’s unit tests are similar to other frameworks and typically use Jest, Mocha, Cypress, or Chai. Some of Vue’s recommended libraries are Vue Testing Library and Vue Test Utils. These tools enable access to the app and user-specific APIs and smooth refactoring and code debugging. Quick feedback loops are possible as this framework enables CI/CD and provides reloading capabilities.

React vs Vue: framework scalability

Scalability generally refers to the ability of an application to handle increasing demands as it grows in size, complexity, and user base. It involves designing and developing the application in a way that allows it to handle larger workloads efficiently. In the context of the React.js vs Vue.js comparison, it means extending an existing application (e.g., adding more web pages to a traditional multi-page application).

React is a perfect solution for multi-page applications. Facebook, for example, does it on most of its pages. Developers can import the library and start adding JavaScript functionality with ReactJS components. The library is also suitable for large SPAs.

Engineers will need third-party form libraries and routing solutions to launch app projects, such as Flux and Redux. Developers can use the create-react-app tool to build a project, set up a local development server, check the code for bugs, and run QA analysis. However, the tool offers a few customization options. There is only one project template, a single-page app. There is also no option to import any custom and community-created templates. 

Since ReactJS web applications are pure JavaScript, coders can use traditional methods of organizing code to make the project more scalable. React is an excellent framework for creating scalable user interfaces combined with the concept of virtual DOM and component reusability. 

However, when it comes to a lightweight framework, devs prefer Vue, especially for small web apps, rather than scalable ones. Nonetheless, Vue.js can extend the project with its flexible tools. The scalability of Vue is possible by splitting a Vue application into multiple repositories to scale the application as needed conveniently. Since the architecture is dynamic, scalability with Vue is also achieved by using web packages and mixing elements Vue provides to overcome code extension limitations.

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Which framework is better for developing complex apps?

When it comes to building complicated applications, things get trickier, and this is where coding gets a little serious. Building complex apps require code that can link different underlying components together. In the use cases provided above, we can see that both React and Vue are capable of developing complex applications. However, you can even use a sledgehammer to crack nuts. Let’s try to figure out which of them is more expedient for this purpose.

React supports the creation of highly interactive applications, including complex SPAs. It also provides support through external server-side rendering architectures like Redux, Flux, and SSR frameworks like Next.js. Therefore, you can create complex applications with React by leveraging its code management capabilities relatively easily.

It’s more difficult to standardize the order of elements in the app when using Vue.js. However, with Vuex, building complex apps without producing a single piece of code is easy. Vuex is a state management library of Vue.js that is leveraged to reduce complications using Vue’s reactivity.

React vs Vue: Security

The security of an application depends primarily on your development approach rather than the front-end technologies used for the project. However, historically, JavaScript has been riddled with security vulnerabilities. Even viral components can have nasty side effects and compromise the security of web apps. It is valid for JS itself and, consequently, for both React and Vue.

React’s security is a concern as well. According to a security report by Synk, a majority of security vulnerabilities occur in the form of cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery. XSS and CSRF attacks can only happen if you use one of the affected modules, such as react-dom, in your server-side implementation.

React itself doesn’t provide any built-in security feature, as it focuses on the application’s view layer. However, you can use libraries like SetInnerHTML to set HTML directly from React, JSX functions to auto-trim, and APIs like createElement() to automatically detect hacking attempts in order to protect your React app against these attacks.

Another issue is the React APIs that connect the app to external services. Often, these APIs automatically log information and execute commands within the app. A functionality logic with gaps or lack of authentication can leave your app vulnerable to SQL injections, man-in-the-middle, and XSS attacks. In order to protect the React APIs, developers implement the following solutions:

  • Make sure that the app connection is encrypted with TLS.
  • Validate API request commands against the appropriate API schemas.
  • Validate schemas to prevent code injection and security parsing attacks.

Vue.js security: a brief summary

Vue takes security seriously and provides built-in security features and guidelines. Vue’s reactivity system doesn’t introduce any inherent security risks. Although automatic protection of Vue code against attacks like XSS or other vulnerabilities isn’t perfect, you can avoid security issues by using external libraries or sanitizing the HTML code before deploying the code to the application database. 

Although Vue cannot entirely protect your app against XSS vulnerabilities automatically, skilled developers can sanitize the HTML code or integrate auxiliary libraries for additional protection. If developers know their HTML is secure, they might use direct rendering and preserve the website before and after rendering.

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Vue.js vs React: how fast is development?

Our experience shows that Vue.js and React have almost similar app development speeds. Multiple libraries, frameworks, plugins, and packages help developers to create web apps fast enough. The development speed primarily depends on the coding experience and JS developer skills. However, the time estimates for similar tasks are roughly the same.

React requires a deep understanding of router selection, configuration caveats, and problem-solving attitudes at various stages of the app project lifecycle. JavaScript experts who have developed multiple projects will find React faster and more productive. Even with short-term goals, developers can achieve successful results with React. React is the fastest framework for building simple applications, with a moderate level of experience in JavaScript.

Developing creative applications is excellent, but setting them faster is even better. Thanks to Vue’s lightweight and rendering capabilities, developing applications is a breeze. With add-on tools such as Bit, StoryBook, and the Vue Dev tools, as well as web packs like Vue Loader, it’s easy to create single-file components. It speeds up the workflow and provides opportunities for fast-to-market app development.

The flexibility of React and Vue

As we previously mentioned, React is a flexible tool with one of the largest developers’ communities around the world. A vast array of additional libraries and tools gives developers the freedom to make choices about many aspects of an application. However, the UI is the very heart of React, so you get help creating UI components first. 

Nonetheless, ReactJS doesn’t enable state management. It means that developers often need to use additional tools, such as Redux, for state management during the building of React applications. Another tool, MobX, is also increasing its popularity as a partner of ReactJS. React Router is not an official resource but an additional third-party package that allows handling this task.

Vue.js is a dynamic framework that enables you to easily use all the needed tools to build a simple application. However, it additionally provides most of the features you need if required. For instance, Vuex for state management, Vue Router for application URL management, and Vue server-side renderer for SSR. Considering Vue’s documentation and ecosystem, it is thought to be more intuitive than React for web application development. 

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Mobile Development with React and Vue

React Native lets us reuse up to 99% of JavaScript code between Android and iOS with React-like components. Thanks to this functionality, we can build cross-platform apps that look and work like native iOS/Android applications. Developers can create 100% native widgets that define a custom project style. The React Native framework treats the presentation layer as pure state output. In this way, engineers can easily create companion apps for iOS/Android with a native look and good performance. To sum up, React Native is the undisputed winner of cross-platform development.

Although Vue lags behind React, this JS framework also provides tech solutions for mobile app development. You can use NativeScript, which allows developers to write and compile Vue apps to native iOS/Android apps. There’s also Capacitor from the development team behind Ionic. Developers can install Capacitor on any existing Vue.js site and add native iOS/Android functionality via a simple API. Last but not least, with the help of Vue.js Native, experts can combine the benefits of the Vue and React Native ecosystems. It offers declarative rendering, two-way binding, and a set of components for building a cross-platform native app.

Optimization for search engines: Vue vs React

A single-page application built with React or Vue will always require JavaScript to display content on a web page. Although the Google crawl bot couldn’t render and index JS pages for a long time, the problem seems to be fixed. However, most SEO experts agree that even now, Google has difficulties reading and indexing such pages. 

Comparing React.js vs Vue, both don’t seem to be an ideal solution for a website in case you aim for a high ranking in search engine results. The key to solving the problem of JavaScript for SEO is ensuring that Google does not need JavaScript to render your content. To that end, you can archive it with server-side rendering. SSR means you run the JavaScript code on the server before sending your files to the user for the first time. 

React vs Vue.js – Application size

In some sense, React is a library rather than a full-fledged front-end JS framework like Angular. So, if you look at it from that perspective, it should build smaller applications than those frameworks, but React’s application sizes are comparatively larger. However, the latest React releases have significantly reduced the overall package size by reducing the app size compared to the previous version.

Vue-based applications’ size is not as big as app most popular framework solutions. An average Vue application achieves a size between 50kB and 100kB, a relatively lightweight installation. Vue CLI may make the application size seem large when the code is first loaded, but by implementing lazy loading components, the code can be broken into smaller pieces, and overall load time can be improved. 

React vs Vue: Maintainability of the Code

React focuses on creating UI components and custom functions in a user interface, making the best use of syntax to create meaningful functionality. When developing an application with React, coders create functional and custom code snippets. The code snippets are reusable for other web apps as well as different modules of the current application.

Moreover, this division of the application into specific parts helps you manage it more efficiently. Ultimately, you increase developer productivity. For example, you can hire new React developers when you need them without worrying about how the new team will fit into the project. Understanding the project also shouldn’t be a big deal in this case.

Vue.js is still growing as a framework, and it’s hard to predict if it will be a perfect tech solution in the future. Vue is faster than most of the popular JavaScript frameworks nowadays. It might suggest that maintaining Vue applications will almost certainly not be that challenging. Since Vue has support gaps, it helps to develop conventional coding practices to overcome obstacles and limitations. Some reports on GitHub even suggest that Vue is future-proof, considering that it can be grafted into existing DOM and HTML markup without prerequisites.

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Availability of Vue and React developers

Since React is the most popular frontend library, there are also more experienced developers to hire. To prove that, we explored the data at one of the largest job portals in the US to analyze the demand for JavaScript developers with knowledge of frameworks. lists more than 14,000 open jobs for React at the moment of our last research. The number of jobs posted by JavaScript companies requiring Vue skills seems much lower – just over 1,400 jobs. Therefore, React is a better-known framework and a more in-demand one for the US market. So, at least when it comes to the Western hemisphere, React developers seem like a more available option.

Let’s look at the salaries

And what about the salaries of JavaScript developers? lists the average salary of a React developer in the US as $101,250 per year. Vue developers get less, around $88,400 per year. The interesting dynamics noticed from the statistics is that while React salaries continuously grow (around 20% in two years), the Vue developers’ salaries remain almost the same. In other countries like Ukraine, both technologies cost companies about $30,000 yearly. In Poland, Vue developers would be a slightly more expensive option, reaching $50,000, while React developers average around $40,000 annually.

Hiring JavaScript developers is easier than ever nowadays. The hourly cost of hiring a React developer worldwide may vary from $15 to $90 per hour, depending on qualifications, exact location, and experience. Considering the popularity of the framework, seeking partners for React development outsourcing doesn’t seem to be challenging. On the other hand, although Vue.js is easy to learn, the availability of developers with solid experience with Vue can be insufficient, which can complexify the hiring process. The salary range in the case of Vue is quite similar to React.

Which framework to choose, Vue or React?

This question doesn’t have a definitive answer, as the superiority of each option depends on the specific requirements of the project. In particular situations, one option may be better than another. Most JavaScript-based solutions are excellent if applied correctly. From our experience, we can say that there is no clear winner. It depends on the web project’s specificity. You need to determine your use case and match it with the aspects of these JavaScript frameworks. We list a few common situations for each framework to help you make the right decision for your app project.

Choose Vue if:

  • You want to get started on your project as quickly as possible.
  • You need a solution that works as fast as possible.
  • Your dedicated teams consist mainly of junior and middle web developers.
  • You prefer clean code and HTML templates.
  • Your application is not that complex.
  • You migrate an existing app to new technology but only have limited resources.
  • You want to add more functionality to an existing app.

Choose React if:

  • You want to develop a complex application.
  • You need a mobile application.
  • Your team prefers JavaScript over HTML.
  • You need to use many libraries, tools, or ecosystems.
  • You have React experts on your team.
  • You need to develop media or video platforms. 
  • You plan to expand the functionality of your applications in the future greatly.

React vs Vue: summary of the comparison

When comparing React.js vs Vue.js, there is no single answer to which framework is better. Depending on the specific needs of the project, each of these options can excel in particular situations. React offers a highly flexible and extensible architecture, while Vue is known for its simplicity. 

In summary, you should choose the React.js framework to build a mobile app and a complex application, such as a SaaS product or a multi-vendor marketplace. Future maintenance and customization are much easier due to the immense talent pool of React developers and a vast ecosystem of additional tools superior to Vue’s. Additionally, React offers excellent code reusability, so developers do not have to write a feature from scratch, as pre-built solutions are available.

On the other hand, Vue.js is a good choice if you are interested in developing lightweight and easy-to-create web apps. This way, you can master the framework quickly and start developing applications in just a few hours. The Vue community is growing quickly but remains smaller than React. The number of contributors grows, as well as the number of tools and libraries available.

Both JavaScript frameworks can be used for any need and requirement. You can develop a multitude of web applications, SPAs, and user interface components, leveraging each of them. Both Vue and React are efficient modern tools for creating top-notch apps. They offer you a wide range of options to build complex web solutions.

Whichever framework you choose, you will get a perfect solution. At ELITEX, we are experts in React and Vue technologies and have already developed many custom solutions using these frameworks. Get in touch with us, and we will help you choose the best JavaScript framework for your app project.

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Vue.js vs React FAQ

What is the main difference between Vue.js and React?

The main difference between Vue.js and React is their approach to component-based development and the underlying virtual DOM implementation.

Can Vue.js and React.js be used together in the same project?

Yes, both can be used together in the same project by leveraging techniques like micro frontends or using React components within Vue.js and vice versa.

Which framework, Vue.js or React, has a larger community of developers?

React has a larger community of developers compared to Vue.js, resulting in more resources, libraries, and community support available.

Are there any significant differences in the syntax and structure of Vue.js and React?

Vue.js uses a template-based syntax with directives, while React uses JSX, a JavaScript extension for creating components.

Which framework, Vue.js or React, has better support for handling SEO?

Both frameworks can handle SEO effectively when used with proper server-side rendering techniques or by using frameworks like Next.js (for React) or Nuxt.js (for Vue.js).

Does Vue.js or React have better support for server-side rendering?

React has better support for SSR with tools like Next.js, making it easier to render components on the server as well as improving SEO and performance.

React vs Vue.js – Which framework is more beginner-friendly?

Vue.js is generally considered more easy-to-learn due to its simplicity and gentle learning curve, making it easier for new developers to grasp and start building applications.

Are there any differences in the community support and frequency of updates for Vue.js and React?

Both Vue.js and ReactJS have active communities and frequent updates. However, React’s extensive ecosystem often results in more regular updates and broader community support.

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